EGNOS Contract for Next-Generation, Dual-Frequency European SBAS Signed - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

EGNOS Contract for Next-Generation, Dual-Frequency European SBAS Signed

The EU Agency for Space Programme (EUSPA) awarded Thales Alenia Space a contract to provide new capabilities to the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) satellite-based augmentation system. Thales Alenia Space will start the development of a new EGNOS version introducing a new generation uplink station (NLES, Navigation Land Earth Station) allowing the introduction of new GEO satellites in the system for improved redundancy. This new generation of station would be also compatible with the future emission of dual-frequency and multi-constellation messages, making possible future introduction of dual-frequency algorithms and usage of the Galileo and GPS constellations.

“We are currently developing and testing with success SBAS next-generation architectures and capabilities. The strong dynamic we experience on our SBAS export markets in Asia, Africa & Indian Ocean demonstrate our solution global attractiveness for our customers,” said Benoit Broudy, Navigation Vice President at Thales Alenia Space in France.

Thales Alenia Space is a joint venture between the French company Thales (67%) and the Italian company Leonardo (33%).
