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GNSS (all systems)

October 3, 2023

GNSS-Based Weather Forecasting with CAMALIOT

A European Space Agency (ESA)-backed initiative is using high-quality satellite navigation data to improve the precision of weather forecasting. The data is provided by voluntary users of the CAMALIOT app on Android smartphones. As of this writing, almost 13,000 users have uploaded more than 260 billion measurements, amassing a vast dataset covering the entire globe.

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By Peter Gutierrez
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September 21, 2023

Dr. Todd E. Humphreys Honored with ION’s Johannes Kepler Award

Dr. Todd E. Humphreys, known for his fundamental contributions to secure, precise and robust PNT and GNSS software-defined receivers (SDR), received this year’s Johannes Kepler Award. The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Satellite Division recognized Dr. Humphreys with this prestigious honor, the highest it bestows, during the ION GNSS+ 2023 conference in Denver.

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By Inside GNSS
September 19, 2023

Xona Space Systems Partners with etherWhere

Low-power GNSS chipset solutions provider etherWhere has partnered with Xona Space Systems to develop a receiver that tracks Xona’s multi-frequency PULSAR signal. PULSAR, a next-generation position, navigation, and timing (PNT) service, is provided by a constellation of small, powerful low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites that are 20 times closer to Earth than existing GPS.

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By Inside GNSS

Safran GNSS Technology Powering Auburn Autonomous Racing

Auburn University Autonomous Tiger Racing, sponsored by Safran Electronics & Defense, recently completed a full lap with its autonomous Indy racecar at the Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Alabama. It was the first time a vehicle participating in the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) completed a lap on a professional track in the United States without any human intervention.

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By Peter Gutierrez

GMV Building Galileo Second Generation Ground Segment

GMV is currently developing the ground control segment for the in-orbit validation (IOV) system for Galileo Second Generation satellites (G2G), under a contract signed recently with the European Space Agency (ESA). The contract exceeds €200 million in value, making a total of more than €500 million in contracts signed by GMV for work on the Galileo program since 2018.

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By Peter Gutierrez