Roads and Highways Archives - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design Mon, 03 Jul 2023 03:08:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Roads and Highways Archives - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design 32 32 NAVISP AlnGNSS Project Tests AI-Enabled PNT Driving Algorithms Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:50:44 +0000 GMV NSL Ltd and Thales Alenia Space have presented the results of the NAVISP EL1 034 project, ‘AI-Enabled Baseband Algorithms For High-Fidelity Measurements’...

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GMV NSL Ltd and Thales Alenia Space have presented the results of the NAVISP EL1 034 project, ‘AI-Enabled Baseband Algorithms For High-Fidelity Measurements’ (AlnGNSS). Using selected AI-enabled algorithms, the project demonstrated some significant improvements in PVT performance compared to conventional GNSS PVT methods. However, the overall impact of AI was not substantial.

Applications requiring stringent requirements in terms of positioning and navigation are on the increase, especially in the rapidly evolving transport sector, with more and more autonomous vehicles and machine control applications on the horizon. The challenge lies in managing transfer functions and minimizing environmental issues to obtain the kind of clean measurements that are vital for advanced PNT engines such as Kalman and particle filters, DPE, and PPP/RTK.

The project included a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art, evaluating AI-enabled algorithms at various stages of the receiver chain. Researchers used a newly designed AI GNSS test bed to investigate, trial and benchmark various AI algorithms. The project ultimately selected three algorithms, out of nine originally considered. The selected algorithms were designed to enable accurate carrier phase measurements and mitigate the impact of multipath interference in developing a reliable tracking loop.

In-depth evaluation

The first algorithm used a supervised Multipath (MP) regression technique with a convolutional neural network (CNN) to estimate pseudorange and mitigate multipath interference after correlation. The second algorithm employed post-correlation processing with supervised regression to generate an ideal auto-correlation function (ACF) output, enhancing its understanding of signal features and characteristics through CNN analysis. The third algorithm, utilizing gradient boosted trees, estimated pseudorange error relative to the reference Rx 1 by utilizing a RINEX format and applying supervised pseudorange regression on four receivers. Two variations of the third algorithm (with and without AI) outperformed a prepared u-blox solution by several meters in each east-north-up (ENU) component at a 95% confidence level.

Data was collected in real-world driving situations, in city centers as well as in rural settings in the UK. Complex environments included deep urban canyons and country roads with thick tree cover. Tests included use of E1, E5a and L5 signal bands and of multi-antenna systems.

While the results of the testing were mixed, said GMV’s Oliver Towlson, speaking at the final project presentation, the outcomes do provide valuable knowledge for successful algorithm development and the establishment of a multi-purpose, multi-device testbed for data acquisition and processing. Occasional significant improvements in PVT performance were achieved, particularly in controlled environments, while the overall impact of AI on the algorithms’ performance was not substantial compared to classical GNSS PVT methods. AlnGNSS was carried out under the ESA NAVISP framework, aimed at supporting innovation and competitiveness in the European PNT sector.

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Denmark Planning New GNSS-Based Road User Charging Scheme Tue, 14 Mar 2023 20:38:43 +0000 As part of its climate change policy aimed at reducing emissions by 70% by 2030, the Danish Government is rapidly moving towards the...

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As part of its climate change policy aimed at reducing emissions by 70% by 2030, the Danish Government is rapidly moving towards the introduction of a GNSS-based road user charging (RUC) scheme for heavy goods vehicles (HGV). The intention is to introduce the new system starting in 2025, which will replace Denmark’s participation in the Eurovignette scheme, which applies to HGV weighing 12 tons or more.

One of the specific objectives of the new scheme is to improve incentives for transitioning the country’s HGV fleet towards lower emission vehicles. It will also help reduce the impact these vehicles have on infrastructure and road wear costs, as well as their noise impact.

The project is being managed by Sund & Bælt, a Danish government-owned company that manages the Storebælt and Øresund road links. The company will be responsible for both implementation and operation of the new system. A GNSS onboard unit (OBU), costing around €150 including installation, will be mandatory for HGV operators, with a cheaper, self-installed OBU option also planned. Manual or pre-paid ticket options will likely not be available.

No standing still

A first step in the procurement process has already been initiated and will continue until early 2024. Sund & Bælt have engaged in talks with a number of suppliers with experience in the delivery and maintenance of GNSS and distance-based tolling solutions. Key technical challenges include GNSS data handling, map and toll context data and map-matching, segment identification and toll calculation. A testing phase is taking place in early 2023, with final commissioning set for early 2025. Under the current Eurovignette scheme, HGV operators have to buy a small electronic device if they want to use motorways and toll highways in the Eurovignette countries, which include Denmark, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Sweden. Eurovignette’s revenues are currently around €67 million per year. The Danish government expects the new GNSS-based scheme to match that until 2027, and then to double it from 2028 onwards.

The new scheme leverages significant technological advancements as well as increasing market maturity of GNSS telematics OBUs, mobile communications and enforcement equipment, all occurring during the past decade. The costs of establishing and operating the system will be comparable to those of previous non-GNSS-based schemes.

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New OEM Heading and Positioning Board Upgrades to Multi-Frequency GNSS Thu, 17 Feb 2022 21:58:47 +0000 Hemisphere GNSS’s new Vega 34 OEM heading and positioning board enables users to upgrade to multi-frequency GNSS without changing pinouts. Integrators who use...

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Hemisphere GNSS’s new Vega 34 OEM heading and positioning board enables users to upgrade to multi-frequency GNSS without changing pinouts. Integrators who use predecessor Hemisphere 34-pin products such as Crescent Vector H220 and Phantom 34 OEM boards can now transition to improved positioning performance and satellite tracking capabilities of the Vega series.

The product gives access to the company’s global reference station network and L-band satellite distribution supplying corrections for GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou.

The Vega 34 board connectors have no circuitry changes and are identical for all Vector users who can now add Atlas H10 and H30 PPP in their solutions. “Vega 34 gives our integrators an easy path forward to enrich their own product offerings,” said Miles Ware, Director of Marketing at Hemisphere. “They can take advantage of other standard features like over 1100 tracking channels, Cygnus interference mitigation technology and spectral analysis.” 

S Hemisphere GNSS next-generation Lyra II digital ASICs

The Vega 34 uses dual antenna ports to create a series of additional capabilities including fast, high-accuracy heading over short baselines, RTK positioning, onboard Atlas L band, RTK-enabled heave, low-power consumption, and precise timing.

Scalable Solutions

With the Vega 34, positioning is scalable and field upgradeable with all Hemisphere software and service options. Utilize the same centimeter-level accuracy in either single-frequency mode, or employ the full performance and fast RTK initialization times over long distances with multi-frequency multi-constellation GNSS signals. High-accuracy L-band positioning from meter to sub-decimeter levels available via Atlas correction service.

Key Features

• Extremely accurate heading with long baselines
• Available multi-frequency position, dual-frequency heading supporting GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, IRNSS, and L band (Atlas®)
• Atlas L band capable to 4 cm RMS
• Athena GNSS engine providing best-in-class RTK performance
• Excellent coasting performance
• 5 cm RMS RTK-enabled heave accuracy
• Strong multipath mitigation and interference rejection
• New multi-axis gyro and tilt sensor for reliable coverage during short GNSS outages

The introduction of the Vega 34 board brings a new firmware release. Version 6.05 extends several features and improvements and introduces NavIC (IRNSS) tracking and positioning across the Vega and Phantom product lines. Both RTK and Atlas positioning solutions are enhanced with an improved performance in challenging environments. Users of the BeiDou satellite systems and B2b PPP integrators will see significant advances in their solutions.

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GNSS and Earth Observation Market Report Finds 200 Billion Euro ($229 Billion) Revenue Generated in 2021 Mon, 07 Feb 2022 22:34:38 +0000 The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has published its Earth Observation (EO) & GNSS Market Report, an outgrowth of its...

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The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has published its Earth Observation (EO) & GNSS Market Report, an outgrowth of its annual GNSS Market Report now that the agency has also taken on Earth observation among its administrative responsibilities. The Report is compiled and written for all those making these technologies part of their business plan and developing downstream applications.

In 2021, GNSS and EO downstream market generated over 200 billion euros revenues and are set to reach almost half a trillion over the next decade. EO and GNSS data have become increasingly important in the big data realm and paradigm responding to natural and man-made disasters, curbing the spread of disease and strengthening a global supply chain, among many other goals.

The Report provides analytical information on the dynamic GNSS and EO markets, along with in-depth analyses of the latest global trends and developments through illustrated examples and use cases. Using advanced econometric models, it also offers market evolution forecasts of GNSS shipments or EO revenues spanning to 2031.

With a focus on Galileo/EGNOS and Copernicus, the report highlights the essential role of space data across 17 market segments including,

• Agriculture; Aviation and Drones;
• Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Natural Capital;
• Climate Services; Consumer Solutions, Tourism, and Health;
• Emergency Management and Humanitarian Aid;
• Energy and Raw Materials; Environmental Monitoring;
• Fisheries and Aquaculture; Forestry;
• Infrastructure;
• Insurance and Finance;
• Maritime and Inland Waterways;
• Rail;
• • Road and Automotive;
• Urban Development and Cultural Heritage;
• and Space.

Some report highlights:


• Global annual GNSS receiver shipments will reach 2.5 bn units by 2031, dominated by the applications falling under the Consumer Solutions, Tourism and Health segment contributing roughly to 92% of global annual shipments;

• In EO, aside from the largest markets like Agriculture, Urban Development and Cultural Heritage or Energy and Raw Materials, the Insurance and Finance segment is expected to experience the fastest growth over the next decade (21 % of CAGR) for both EO data and value-added service revenues;

• From a supply perspective, the European Industry holds over 41% of the global EO downstream market and 25 % of the global GNSS downstream market.

“The flagship EU Space Programme, driven by Galileo and EGNOS on one side and Copernicus on the other, has become a major enabler in the downstream space application market. As a user-oriented agency, we provide this inside information on markets evolution to our users, being innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, academic researchers, chipset manufacturers, or simply anyone who looks into space to bring value to their activities. The added value and key differentiators of European GNSS and EO are showcased, both separately and in synergy with each other. I know that the report will be of great use and inspiration for those who are contributing to the EU economic growth,” concluded EUSPA Executive Director Rodrigo da Costa.

The report is available for download here.

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New GNSS Chip for Automotive Achieves Lane-Level Accuracy without RTK Thu, 30 Dec 2021 04:22:19 +0000 Alps Alpine and Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. have jointly developed the UMSZ6 Series GNSS1 Module realizing high-accuracy positioning to within 50 centimeters without...

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Alps Alpine and Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. have jointly developed the UMSZ6 Series GNSS1 Module realizing high-accuracy positioning to within 50 centimeters without correction data for automotive applications.

On general roads (approx. three meters wide), the module reliably enables vehicle positioning down to the lane level, according to the companies, as is required of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) applications for autonomous driving functions. The module’s target applications are telematics control units (TCU) and V2X onboard units (OBU).

The UMSZ6 Series GNSS Module uses a multi-frequency GNSS receiver chip based on Furuno’s Extended Carrier Aiding3 technology: the eRideOPUS 9 (model ePV9000B) and algorithm. Running costs associated with RTK4 base stations, correction data receiving, and correction data use are no longer needed, maximizing cost performance, while reliable vehicle positioning down to the lane level is possible even on general roads. Its dimensions of 17.8 × 18.0 × 3.11mm conform to automotive grade for customer freedom in end-product design.

“Relative vehicle positioning accuracy is constantly improving as a result of millimeter-wave radar, LiDAR and camera technology,” said Hideo Izumi, Vice President, Device Business, Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. “Achieving absolute position accuracy down to the lane level is essential for both V2X applications and genuine Level 3 automated driving, but system-related costs associated with RTK technology have been an obstacle. Getting around this with a multi-frequency GNSS receiver chip based on Furuno’s Extended Carrier Aiding technology, which realizes high-accuracy vehicle positioning to within 50 centimeters without correction data, will likely prove to be a breakthrough in V2X and advanced autonomous driving technology.”

The companies will evaluate the module’s performance through demonstration testing, targeting mass production in 2023.

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Sensor Integration and Support Expanded for Geospatial Monitoring Thu, 23 Dec 2021 22:52:39 +0000 Trimble has rolled out the latest version of its core geospatial automated monitoring software, Trimble 4D Control version 6.3. The software provides automated...

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Trimble has rolled out the latest version of its core geospatial automated monitoring software, Trimble 4D Control version 6.3. The software provides automated movement detection to enable informed decisions about infrastructure for surveying, construction and monitoring professionals.

Version 6.3 adds new capabilities for the software to work in combination with the Trimble SX Series Scanning Total Stations’ advanced imaging and measurement capabilities. This version also supports vibration and weather-station sensors and a streamlined workflow between the Trimble Access Monitoring Module in the field with the new T4D Access Edition used in the office.

Enhancements to the geospatial monitoring software provide increased accuracy; simplified sensor data collection, reporting and alarms; and make it possible to seamlessly move from semi-automated to fully automated monitoring on a project.

Integrated with the SX Series Scanning Total Station, T4D brings VISION imaging technology and high-accuracy Lightning 3DM technology for more accurate measurements, enabling a more dense target placement on linear corridors such as rail tracks, tunnels, roads and bridges. A live video feed makes it possible to better understand site conditions, manage target placement remotely and capture images for use with T4D visual inspection capabilities. These images can be compared over time and viewed next to the displacement or movement charts. This enables users to identify the potential cause of displacement and record movement changes over time.

Vibration and Weather

With the upgrade, vibration sensors from Syscom allow surveying, civil and geotechnical engineers to easily combine geodetic and geotechnical information supporting high-frequency and event-based vibration information. This data is often used for mandatory reporting on civil and infrastructure projects.

Integration with the Vaisala weather station analyzes the impact of environmental conditions such as temperature, rainfall, wind and atmospheric pressure in combination with other geospatial and geotechnical monitoring information, which is useful for slope stability analysis in mining, landslide and dam monitoring operations.

From Semi- to Fully Automated Monitoring

Automated, seamless transfer of field data from the monitoring module to software in the office makes it possible to scale monitoring operations from a semi-automated to fully automated monitoring system while maintaining the continuity of historical data in the same charts and reports.

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Swift Navigation Pairs with STMicro’s New Triple-Band Chip Thu, 16 Dec 2021 05:02:12 +0000 Swift Navigation announced its support of the new STMicroelectronics Teseo V. The Teseo V family is a single-chip GNSS triple-frequency device for automotive...

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Swift Navigation announced its support of the new STMicroelectronics Teseo V. The Teseo V family is a single-chip GNSS triple-frequency device for automotive use. Swift’s team has been working with ST to ensure the optimization of Swift’s precise positioning solution—comprised of the Starling positioning engine and Skylark precise positioning service—when paired with the STA8135GA Teseo V, the first single-chip triple-band GNSS IC (Integrated Circuit).

The triple-frequency capabilities of STA8135GA provide high-quality, robust GNSS data required for high-accuracy across automotive, mass-market, and mobile applications. When paired with corrections from Swift’s precise positioning service Skylark, applications can achieve centimeter-level accuracy. The Starling positioning engine combines GNSS measurements with data from inertial measurement units (IMUs) and vehicle sensor data, further improving the integrity of safety-critical applications.

Since Starling launched in 2018, Swift and ST have worked together to provide a pre-validated combination of hardware and software for customers so that they can benefit from a tested low-risk solution.

“Our work together delivers the accuracy and reliability required by advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous platforms,” said Holger Ippach, Executive Vice President of Product of Swift.

“The Teseo V triple-frequency chip in combination with the Swift precise positioning technology assures the most accurate and easy-to-use GNSS receiver chip available,” said Luca Celant, VP and General Manager, Automotive ADAS, ASIC and Audio Division, STMicroelectronics. “Paired with the Swift precise positioning solution, Teseo V moves the industry further down the road toward Autonomous vehicles.”

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Galileo Authentication Signal Open for Testing; First Results Thu, 18 Nov 2021 19:48:58 +0000 A research team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) in Germany authenticated Galileo’s live Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) signal...

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A research team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) in Germany authenticated Galileo’s live Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) signal on November 16. The team used a GNSS receiver jointly developed with TeleOrbit GmbH, the compact GNSS Receiver with Open Software Interface (GOOSE). A screenshot below shows the results of the signal reception for GPS + Galileo authenticated Galileo PVT.

Goose OSNMAThe Public Observation Test Phase for Galileo’s OSNMA was opened for live testing on November 15. Interested users can sign up for this test phase on the European GNSS Service Centre’s website and get access to all corresponding documents and information, including the current interface control document (ICD), the receiver guideline, and the OSNMA public key and Merkle Tree Root which are needed for the authentication process.

The GOOSE receiver successfully authenticated simulated OSNMA signals in May 2021.

Twitter post from Fraunhofer IIS:


The screenshotsbelow shows authentication of Galileo satellites only (all pictures ©Fraunhofer IIS).

Galileo only OSNMA_GOOSE
Galileo0-only authenticated PVT, courtesy Fraunhofer IIS.


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New Teseo Family Module Integrates Inertial with Multi-Constellation GNSS for Automotive Sat, 30 Oct 2021 04:20:28 +0000 STMicroelectronics has introduced the Teseo-VIC3DA, the latest member of the Teseo module family. Teseo-VIC3DA combines ST’s high-performing Automotive Teseo III GNSS1 IC with...

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STMicroelectronics has introduced the Teseo-VIC3DA, the latest member of the Teseo module family. Teseo-VIC3DA combines ST’s high-performing Automotive Teseo III GNSS1 IC with the automotive 6-axis MEMS inertial measurement unit (IMU) and dead reckoning software to create a convenient, automotive-qualified navigation module. The Teseo-VIC3DA module enables  in-car navigation, fleet-management and insurance-monitoring applications.

The automotive Teseo III GNSS IC has multi-constellation awareness, offering robust positioning capabilities by simultaneously receiving signals from GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, and QZSS constellations. The ST 6-axis automotive-grade MEMS IC introduces super-high-resolution motion tracking in advanced vehicle navigation and telematics applications.

With the combination of ST’s Teseo III, IMU, and dead reckoning, the Teseo-VIC3DA ensures extremely accurate positioning performance in critical environments like tunnels, beneath structures such as bridges or multi-level highways, in covered areas such as underground parking lots, and even in urban canyons between tall buildings.

The Teseo-VIC3DA module operates from 3.3V, helping to simplify system integration, and has a standby mode that draws just 17µA to minimize demand on the vehicle’s electrical supply. Containing a highly accurate integrated Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO), the module achieves excellent accuracy of 1.5m CEP2 for typical automotive use cases, according to the company. In addition, a dedicated real-time clock (RTC) oscillator helps ensure fast time to first fix (TTFF).

Coming with firmware pre-loaded onto built-in Flash memory, the Teseo-VIC3DA can be updated with new firmware as necessary using the free TESEO-SUITE software. Teseo-VIC3DA can provide up to 30Hz dead-reckoning fix-rate and has very low latency to reduce the UART-channel jitter. Teseo-VIC3DA can autonomously work with and without odometer information.

The Teseo-VIC3DA is tested and certified by ST according to the EU’s Radio Equipment Directive (RED), applicable ETSI standards, and EN safety standards, helping customers achieve mandatory product-level approvals quickly and efficiently. A standalone, USB-powered evaluation platform, EVB-VIC3DA, is available to jump-start development.

The Teseo-VIC3DA is in production now and supplied in a 16.0mm x 12.2mm x 2.42mm 24-pin LCC package.

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Trimble, Microsoft Partner on Cloud Resources for Construction Industry Thu, 28 Oct 2021 18:48:39 +0000 Trimble and Microsoft announced a strategic partnership to advance technology adoption and accelerate the digital transformation of the construction industry. Leveraging the Microsoft...

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Trimble and Microsoft announced a strategic partnership to advance technology adoption and accelerate the digital transformation of the construction industry. Leveraging the Microsoft cloud, the companies will develop, build and deliver connective industry cloud platforms and solutions. Initially, they will focus on building the Trimble Construction Cloud powered by Microsoft Azure.

The construction process is fragmented, which can result in lost productivity, rework and a lack of transparency. According to a McKinsey & Company article, the construction industry is lagging with only 1 percent productivity growth over the last 20 years, significantly lower than 2.8 percent for the total economy. An emerging disruptions that will drive change in construction is the digitization of products and processes. The ability to link technologies, tasks, processes and multiple stakeholders—such as general contractors, subcontractors, designers, engineers and owners—across the construction project workflow can transform and significantly improve productivity, quality, safety, transparency and sustainability.

Trimble’s construction solutions include on-machine and field technology, modeling and collaboration software, project and resource management, and all underlying analytics. Trimble Construction Cloud is fully enabled for 3D constructible models that will reduce risks, drive speed, and increase efficiency and accuracy across.

The first solutions will enable continued support of infrastructure investment cycles and be used for large-scale projects, on which multiple stakeholders work in parallel to deliver connected construction projects. Subsequent efforts will target the agriculture and transportation industries.


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