Galileo Archives - Page 2 of 68 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design


October 6, 2022

Galileo’s next ride moving towards operational status

ESA’s Ariane 6 launch vehicle, on which the deployment of the EU’s Galileo GNSS satellite constellation now depends, has taken another step towards first flight. A fresh series of hot fire tests of the rocket’s upper stage and all-new Vinci engine is now underway at Germany’s DLR center for engine and stage testing in Lampoldshausen.

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By Peter Gutierrez
July 27, 2022

Brussels View: Europe’s Sharp Eye on Positioning, Navigation and Timing

The European Space Agency’s new navigation head, Francisco-Javier Benedicto Ruiz, has a lot to say about GNSS, both present and future. We recently spoke with him about his views on satellite navigation, signal vulnerability and authentication, and the agency’s working relationship, or not, with Russia. The technical team behind the Galileo authentication service and industry representatives developing alternative positioning, navigation and timing solutions also share insights.

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By Peter Gutierrez
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February 7, 2022

GNSS and Earth Observation Market Report Finds 200 Billion Euro ($229 Billion) Revenue Generated in 2021

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has published its Earth Observation (EO) & GNSS Market Report, an outgrowth of its annual GNSS Market Report now that the agency has also taken on Earth observation among its administrative responsibilities. The Report is compiled and written for all those making these technologies part of their business plan and developing downstream applications.

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By Inside GNSS
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January 27, 2022

EUSPA Now Controls Galileo Launches; Arianespace to Orbit 8

Arianespace recently announced it will launch a total of eight new Galileo satellites over the next few years.

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) selected Arianespace to launch four new Galileo satellites for Europe’s satellite navigation system, according to a news release. This comes after the European Space Agency’s (ESA) order to launch four satellites last October and will complete the deployment of first-generation Galileo satellites.

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By Inside GNSS
December 21, 2021

Galileo OS Service Definition Doc Chronicles System Upgrades since 2019

The latest version of the Galileo Open Service Definition Document (OS SDD), updated November 2021, describes upgrades enacted in the Galileo system since May 2019: improvements, current constellation status and updates in the ground infrastructure that increase its robustness. This is the last update foreseen before Galileo Open Service reaches Full Operational Capability (FOC).

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By Inside GNSS
December 15, 2021

Galileo Grows by Two

A Soyuz launcher operated by Arianespace and commissioned by ESA lifted off with the pair of 715 kg satellites from French Guiana on December 5. The two join 26 Galileo satellites in the orbiting constellation that now provide Initial Services.

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By Inside GNSS

EGNOS SBAS Host Acquired by Telecom Company

Viasat Inc., a global communications company, will acquire Inmarsat, a provider of global mobile satellite communications services, in a transaction valued at $7.3 billion. Two of the four European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) broadcasting payloads, part of Europe’s GNSS, ride aboard Inmarsat satellites,

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By Inside GNSS