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December 28, 2015

Baška GNSS Conference 2015

The 10th Baška GNSS Conference will take place May 8–10, 2016, in Baška, Krk Island, Croatia, organized jointly by The Royal Institute of Navigation (London, UK), Faculty of Maritime Studies (University of Rijeka, Croatia), and the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (University of Zagreb, Croatia),  with technical co-sponsorship from Beihang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beijing, China)

The conference focuses on GNSS resilience and GNSS applications development. The deadline for submitting an abstract (300 – 500 words) of a proposed paper is February 22, 2016. Please contact Renato Filjar.

Please contact Ms Sally-Anne Cooke (e-mail <>) or Mrs. Marija Šimić-Hlača (e-mail: <>) for further information.

By Inside GNSS
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November 17, 2015

International Navigation Gathering Highlights GNSS Advances and Distractions

Sergey Revnivykh

Speakers at the recent International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN) conference in Prague threw into stark relief some of the big GNSS programs and even bigger GNSS questions.
Prof.-Dr. Günter Hein, former head of the European Space Agency (ESA) EGNOS and GNSS Evolution Program Department and Emeritus of Excellence at University FAF Munich, delivered a fact-filled and level-headed presentation on the status of Galileo, the European Union’s civil-owned and non-military GNSS, with slides and information provided by ESA.

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By Inside GNSS
November 16, 2015

State of Play in the European Union

Global navigation satellite systems have become core elements of the global economy. Essential for many civilian applications and innovations, GNSS brings rapidly growing economic benefits due to convergence of GNSS with smartphones, geospatial data, unmanned aerial vehicles, automated driving systems and other commercial technologies.

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By Ingo Baumann
October 29, 2015

Companies Aim to Commercialize Europe’s eLoran System, GNSS Backup

A group of American and British companies is coalescing around a plan to provide Europe with a commercial, eLoran-based backup for the timing information now provided by GNSS signals.

The Earth Star consortium is made up of American and British companies and a few interested individuals, said Dana Goward, the president of the RNT Foundation. Goward, who is familiar with the group. He told Inside GNSS the consortium has yet to file formal organizational paperwork but would soon do so, most likely in Great Britain.

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By Inside GNSS
September 7, 2015

Alternative PNT

At one time, GPS was expected to supplant a wide range of navigation technologies in the world’s positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) portfolio. But an unexpected thing happened along the way.

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By Inside GNSS
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July 31, 2015

Key Lawmakers Move to Make DoD Responsible for eLoran, GPS Backup

U.S. Representative John Garamendi. U.S. Publishing Office photo

A quintet of well-placed lawmakers, tired of federal dawdling, are prepared to make the Pentagon responsible for building and maintaining eLoran as a backup system for GPS. The move could come by the end of the year, possibly through language attached to a must-pass bill.

Leading the bi-partisan charge are Duncan Hunter, R-California, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and the subcommittee’s ranking member John Garamendi, D-California.

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By Inside GNSS
July 20, 2015

ESA and EC at Odds (Again) over Space Governance

At the European Economic and Social Committee’s Space & Society Conference, from left, Daniel Calleja Crespo, director general of European Commission’s DG Growth; EESC Space and Society Project Coordinator Edgardo Maria Iozia, and Giulio Bartolani di Montauto, European Space Agency’s Brussels office.

Reporting from Brussels last year, we explained that the then–brand new EU GNSS Regulation had effectively put to bed years of wrangling over who does what in Europe’s GNSS programs. But the issue reared its head again in Brussels recently, in a highly charged discussion hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

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By Peter Gutierrez
July 8, 2015

ICG-10: 10th Meeting of the International Committee on GNSS

Aerial view of Boulder in October

The tenth meeting of the International Committee on GNSS (ICG) will take place in Boulder, Colorado from November 1 through 6 2015. It will be hosted by the United States and organized by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) on behalf of the U.S. State Department.

It will take place at UCAR headquarters on the Center Green Campus in Boulder.

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By Inside GNSS
June 29, 2015

Playing by the Rules of World Trade Law

The availability of several GNSSes promises advanced positioning, navigation, and timing services with higher availability and improved accuracy. According to a European GNSS Agency (GSA) market study, nearly 60 percent of receivers, chipsets, and modules already support at least two GNSS constellations, showing that multi-constellation is becoming a standard feature across all market segments. That development brings up questions of law and regulation that require careful handling by GNSS manufacturers, service providers, and policy makers.

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By Ingo Baumann