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August 17, 2010

A Search for Spectrum

In recent years, researchers have explored possible new allocations for Radio Determination Satellite Service (RDSS) and Radio Navigation Satellite Service (RNSS) spectrum from a regulatory point of view. These studies have mainly discussed S-band and C-band in addition to L-band.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Radio Regulations define RNSS as a subset of RDSS. Although the allocations are differentiated — RDSS usually has a paired uplink — both can actually be used for satellite navigation.

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By Inside GNSS
July 30, 2010

China Launches 4th BeiDou Navigational Satellite

A Compass/Beidou-2 geostationary satellite is lifted into space from China’s Xichang space center. (China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology photo)

[Reprinted with permission from NAVIBIZ, Issue Date: 2010-6-18]

At 23:53 on June 2, China successfully launched the 4th BeiDou navigational satellite into the pre-designated orbit with the "Long March 3C" carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, symbolizing that China has made another important step forward in building the BeiDou (COMPASS) Navigation Satellite System. The construction of COMPASS follows the principles of openness, independency, compatibility, and gradualness.

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By Inside GNSS
June 28, 2010

Obama’s National Space Policy Authorizes Use of Foreign GNSS Services to Strengthen GPS

A new U.S. National Space Policy announced today (June 28, 2010) by the White House says that foreign GNSS services may be used “to augment and strengthen the resiliency of GPS.”

In a document that underlines the Obama administration’s intention to rely more on international cooperation in space-related activities and “energize competitive domestic industries to participate in global markets,” the new policy reaffirms recent efforts “to engage with foreign GNSS providers to encourage compatibility and interoperability, promote transparency in civil service provision, and enable market access for U.S. industry.”

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By Inside GNSS
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June 7, 2010

DLR, Stanford Track First GPS IIF Signals; Tests Begin on L5

GPS IIF SV1 Spectral Flux Density on L1. DLR figure

[Updated June 10] The U.S. Air Force announced today (June 10) that it has begun
testing the new operational L5 signal transmitted by the first GPS IIF satellite (space vehicle 1 or SV1 — designated SVN-62 in the overall GPS system), which was launched May 27.

On June 7, 2010, a team of experts from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Stanford University in California reported results of their tracking of the first navigation signals from the satellite, the pseudorandom noise code 25 (PRN25) on L1 and L2 — C/A and P(Y).

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By Inside GNSS
April 14, 2010

EC Liberates Galileo ICD Signal Specification

Today’s (April 13) release of an updated “Galileo Open Service Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document” (OS SIS ICD) freed the key specification document in two senses of the word: receiver manufacturers, application developers and service providers may now use the ICD as an official — not draft — guide to their work, and they may do so at no cost

The t’s have been crossed and the i’s dotted to the satisfaction of lawyers and politicians — and the relief of designers and system integrators eager to begin work on Galileo-capable products without fear of having substantive changes in the specifications and legal or financial difficulties for moving ahead.

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By Inside GNSS
April 10, 2010

GNSS Opportunities Help Drive UK to Set Up National Space Agency

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visits the Geospatial Building at the University of Nottingham. Photo courtesy of GRACE

(This article first appeared in the March 31 Inside GNSS SIGNALS eNewsletter)

Driven in part by a prestigious Space Innovation and Growth Strategy (Space IGS) report suggesting that the nation has lost both the best industrial work and the ability to influence programs such as Galileo, the United Kingdom will establish a new national space agency on April 1.

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By Inside GNSS
March 12, 2010

Bright Ideas Welcome at 2010 European Satellite Navigation Competition

European Satellite Navigation Competition Awards 2009

The European Satellite Navigation Competition (Galileo Masters), now in its seventh year, is seeking the best ideas for satellite navigation applications from companies, entrepreneurs, research institutes, universities, and individuals. Prizes total more than €500,000.

The 2010 contest begins on May 1, when competitors may register and submit their ideas online at the secure ESNC website. It closes on July 31.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 4, 2009

Galileo Program Recalibrates Schedule, Budget, Open Signal ICD

Galileo IOV ProtoFlight Model under Assembly

Galileo program managers appear to have bowed to the unavoidable and acknowledged that completing the European satellite navigation system will take longer and cost more than their revised estimates of 2014 and  €3.4-billion ($5.04-billion), respectively

And, although a revised Galileo Open Service Signal-in-Space Interface Control Document (OS-SIS-ICD) will appear soon allowing manufacture and sale of Galileo equipment without a license, the ICD will still require a license for commercial use of the intellectual property contained in the document.

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By Inside GNSS